The Start of J's TrailMex

The journey started in March of 2018 when my family was visitng from Guaymas Sonora, Mexico. They had gifted me a bag of some delicious trail mix. I loved it so much that I reached out to the business owner. I let her know that I wanted to invest in her business but she said, "No" and told me I could pay full price. My tia looked at me and said “Hija, tu no eres pendeja. Abre la bolsa y ve que tiene, y haz tu propio mix.’ In English she basically said, "You’re not a dumb ass, open the bag look at whats’s inside and make your own mix." Days later with $25 dollars that I had left over from my paycheck, I went and bought dried fruit, roasted nuts and whatever else I needed. This is how J’s TrailMex was created.


Our Mission

“To build my family's Legacy with Ethic, Hard Work and Love. I promise to provide a little piece of Mexico into your home with local and international quality ingredients.”

My Story

I am a proud 1st Generation Mexican American business owner. Brought into this world by two hard working Immigrant parents. Dora and Jorge Picos made our home in Santa Ana, California where they raised my two older siblings and I. Growing up my father worked at times two jobs in order to make life work for us. My mom also worked and at times worked during the nights and my older sister would have the responsibility to watch over my brother and I


My parents worked hard to take us on family road trips, organized family gatherings and my siblings and I always had more than what my mother and father ever had. My best memories of growing up were when my parents took me to Sinaloa (their home state) for the first time and I got to taste all sorts of candies and snacks that were not typical here in the United States. As we grew older my parents built their retirement home in Ensenada, Baja California, which became my second home during the summers and I had my taste of Chamoy, Tamarindo and Mexican Chocolate and all the goodies that Mexico had to offer. Our home was the “it” home where everyone gathered during the weekends. Saturdays my family would host our close friends (they became our family) typically the adults drank, the kids played outside where we made up games and, in the evenings, we watched “Sabado Gigante.” There were always snacks in our home, like chips and salsa, salted peanuts, Pico de Gallo. (Cucumber, mango, jicama mix)

My mother always was a great host. I loved the unity that was felt during the weekends. As the years went on, my mother was such a dedicated and present parent, she would always be there for our school events, she was that mom that always packed us our favorite treats. My Father was present but worked a lot and when we would spend time with him, he made it special by taking us on road trips to San Diego, Baja California, San Francisco, Nevada and Sinaloa. My Father was always a provider for his family, including his siblings. I must thank both of my parents for everything they gave to me growing up and for instilling in me the “Work Hard” Ethic. I can say that I am proud to have the parents I have.

Fast forward to 2007. 2007 was the worst year of my life and I would never want to relive it. My mother filed for divorce after being married to my father for almost 34 years and I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Uterine Cancer. I didn’t show much emotion with my Cancer diagnosis when I was around others; I knew I needed to be strong for my family and friends. All these life changing events showed a much bigger purpose, that I would have never seen had this not all happened.

When I was in the hospital getting my tumor removed, I was feeling positive but yet scared, when I saw my parents together and although they were in the process of divorce, it made me happy that even though they were going through so much, they were adults and were there for me as their child.

Divorce isn’t pleasant and waking up out of surgery and seeing them in the same room, it took all my pain away, just to see them together.

Togetherness is what keeps families making memories and I wanted my family to stay together as best as we could. 

Always remember that life has beauty and meaning when you have family and friends right by your side. Every struggle, every achievement, every experience is what molds you into the person you are or that you will one day be. I am stronger because I have God, La Virgencita, Family and Friends by my side. Most importantly, I am stronger because I know I deserve the world. I am here to get it and enjoy it with my hard work and give back to my community

- Jen, Owner of J’s TrailMex